well for some reason my email program is freeking out and sending me all kinds of weird stuff. not sure why.
je m'en fiche en fait.
what a week. a baptism. a marriage. a cuscus party. caluflower and gravy. so much laughing that it feels soo good. rosalyne's baptism was amazing. the wedding was great too. she looked so great. i'm so proud of her. i wish i had time and creative juices to beautifully describe the french pigs in a blanket and the crepe paper roses that added the final touch to the 7th of october. but well i don't. so sad for me.
i do want to share something that i learned. it's actually a hidden bible story buried somewhere deep in the old testemant. i found the reference but can't bring it to my recollection at the moment. scenerio: i was explaining to a recent converet that knwos the scriptures beter that anyone i know my feelings of the next 6 weeks. i explained my struggle with emptiness, my overly used and now useless heart. my tired feet. my weakened resolve. my broken perspective of eternal design. and he busted out some old testemant goodness that needs more refelctin than i have time to donate. but it is a good idea and a brilliant analogy that needs to be passed along to all blog followers.
it's the story of, well one of the stories of moses. and his brother aaron. you see aaron was chosen to act in the official capacity of the lord for the children of isreal. it was his children that held the priesthood, the authrotiy to run the temple to do the sacrifices, the make the offereings etc. and for the jewish people, this was a pretty improtant role. and they didn't understand why it was aaron, the levites that got to call te shots. so they complained like they (we) often do and moses pleaded with the lord for a way to prevent his possible death at the anger of his people and to somehow appease the appetites of the people. in some stroke of creative genius the lord called for a staff, a baton from every tribe. these staffs were to be placed before the temple. each staff was to be marked with the tribal name so as to assure no confusion. and somehow the lord would manifest who he had chosen to officiate in his holy temple. the 12 staffs were placed. the sun decended and the people slept. lo and behold, the lord took a simple staff, a plain ordinary baton, and caused it to grow. not only to grow but to produce fruit. a dry simple to the eye staff was harvested and morphed into a fruit - almond to be exact - producing staff.
from the very depts of the molecular power a useful staff was created. and my ami turned to me and said - the lord can bring forth fruit from even the driest, deadest of staffs. if he wants to. if he chooses to. and if you are ready and willing and worthy to be called forth. but it's his choice and his power that turns staffs to almonds.
we just have to place ourselves before the temple.
offer ourself to him. wow. thanks bernard. what an amazing idea. in the end it was aaron that was choosen. but it took a miracle for the people to understand. that's not the important part. it's the fact that a staff became a live life producing element. nothing is really dead. nothing is too empty. that the lord can not bring forth life. this week is oging to be busy. i'm so greatful for that. these 42 days could be the longest or the shortest of my life. i'll let you know in 6 weeks.
save my some turnkey and some stuffing. i'm coming....love shai