hi shai!

A blog about me! (in a non-egocentric sort of way)

Tuesday, May 2

Specific questoins specific miracles

Well week one of the city of sun is done. Ok that wsa just rediculous. Marseille is so awesome.
Soeur Kim is so awesome.
God is so awesome.

Honeslty it has been a dang hard week but so full of blessings. First of all soeur kim and i were bestfriends in the preexistance. i'm certain of it. We get along so weel. We are already finishing each oterhs sentances and working in the same direcetion. She's great.

BTW i'm typing really really fast so sorry for the typos.

Second. Soeur Kim and I decided to be specific with the lord. Moroni 7. Specific questions. Obedience. Specific ansewrs.

Wednesday we went out with the idea to fix one RV. Basically to meet one person who was interested. We worked all day and then just before we went in there cindy was. Thursday we went out for two. And we ported-knocked doors-for 3 hours and decided to head back into town. No one was interested. So...we sit down on the metro and a women starts talking to soeur kim and askes if we can come over. Just like that. As soon as we get off the metro I contact a lady that fixes an rv just like that. AMAZING!!! We were just walking around and we noticed how hungry we were. We had been working for 6 hours and hadn't eaten. We stopped to help this old lady with her groceries and she gave us cake. Just like that! BAM!

Same thing friday. Saturday. Sunday. They jsut keep coming. Miracles after miracles. And we are gteting rewarded for our obedience. All the other missionaries went to the lake for the national fete of May 1st. But soeur kim and i decided to work and we ended up meeting a lady that has alwasy wanted to go to church and has often wanted to talk to the missioanries before. And voila. Miracles everywhere.

We are so tired becuase we honestly work 13 hours a day non stop. But We are blessed.

Thanks for your prayers.

REad Mornoi 7. it's good.

This is short. And non creative. I'm tired.

But happy birday paige. Happy 1 year me. I'm going to burn an old white shirt that i found in the apartement. yes! Happy may everyone.


for the first of may in france every one buys everyone else flowers. and on the flower it says "i bring happiness" it's just a little gift of happiness. no one knows where the tradition started but everyone does it. Don't you love france?