the tiles are falling....
a real life expression in france. the tiles are falling. literally.
let me explain. in france, carpet is very rare and all ceilings are coverd with tiles. you know that weird card board kind that you had in middle school and during really boring history classes you count how many their are on the ceiling. that's normal. for everything. and well sometimes they fall.
it's the french version of the roof is caving in on me. meaning. life is really crappy right now.
so in four days two dear friends will covenant with the lord to better live their lives. and we warned about opposition and happend.
last thursday marie elise came to our appointment a little discouraged. she didn't feel very well and was limping. she said that her leg hurts but she thought that it was just becuas she was on her feet all day. so we taught a lesson and the she went home. about 12:30 we got a texto saying she was on the way to the er becuase the pain was so bad. the er found nothing, gave her some pain killer and sent her back home. friday morning she felt like she should go back to the hospital even though she had just returned. painfully limping she walked to the er and this time the freeked out. the took a scan and found 2 huge blod clots in hre leg. woah! seriously. blood clots kill. so they started her on blood thiners immediatly to try to prevent the clots from moving to her arteries or her hear or anything else incrediblly fatal.
blood clots taken care of she goes to be friday night exhausted from the day of diteriorating health and wakes up to a few inches of water on her apartement floor. why? well becuase the ceiling literally caved in. and the marseille night sky, as beautiful as she is, is not meant to be seen from the inside of an aprtement. so electricity suspended to prevent instant death, fireman called, apartement condemned, marie elise found her self homeless saturday afternoon. uh? opposition anyone?
is that real? honestly can satan really make your house cave in and cause blood clots in your leg that are potentiall life threatining?
i guess so. but a quick response by our ward mission leader caused a family home evening and a wednesday night get together. we are working with her and trying to fight the opposition with everything that we have. her favorite arm?
hymn number 76 in the french book. you know it as "let the holy spirit guide."
its her favorite.
joel is doing good. roselyne is trucking along.
keep praying. sleep with an umbrella.
sing when you have nothing left to do. and no force left to pray.
love shai
At 7:20 AM,
Anthony said…
wow i hope marie elise is ok...
her story, minus a few details, is her personal and recent testimony similar to job's...
it's good to see that the mission is loving 'in action and in truth'...
it reveals our meekness and mortality when someone's or our own life falls apart in a matter of seconds/day/whathaveyou...and on the same breath it shows the magnitude/greatness/love/et cetera that God really embodies...
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