salut mes amis! qu'est-ce c'est cette vie? pourqoui y-a-t-elle trop des bizarre chose? est-ce qu'elle a un but, une reason pour lequelle elle fait n'importe-qoui?
here's the deal. this week i have hear the life story of: a rowandan rebel, a young girl who is genetically destined to eventually manifeste cystic fibrosis, a 14 year old beauty queen traped in a hospital bed who's only concern is her boyfriend back in tahiti, a young mother torn by her fear for her sick newborn and the rising cost of the hospital bill, anti amerian so called christians who won't even touch an american screw driver, a homosexual man who belives he dances teckno with jesus, a man who believes the real diety is an alien, and the prayer of an aging mother devestated by three broken marriages hoping the fourth will make it.
what a week. honestly. it's amazing how the hand of the lord has lead all of these people into my life. or me into theirs. there are so many more interesting people that i can't even begin to explain to you. a checnian escapped soldier, one of the first women baptised in marseille, an 84 year old woman in love with chocolate and her deceased husband, an amazing bishop from cape verde, an anti semit muslim, a free spirit mandala creating geography teacher, a marxist communist turned christian, a undercover jehova's witness, a female police officer from the ghetto of paris that met a cowboy on the border of mexico, a feminist from togo touched by the hymns of the church, a 15year old autistic child and his amazing drawing of the titanic, a homeless russian docter, soooo many great people that i will quickly place into my file or beautiful memories. and then my mind will be clouded by the fog of reality and i will only really taste the clarity of the mission field when i pick up my french book of mormon. so many feelings.
it's amazing how these people have been preserved, lead, protected, tried, and all maner of beautiful experiences they have shared with me. I hope one day i can share it with you.
all my love
At 8:21 AM,
Jean Warner said…
Still doing the Lord's work in wonderous ways, I see!
We all miss you back in the USA, Shai. Thank goodness for your blog. At least we know you are safe and having lots of adventures.
Lindsay LaFevers and I are working on a couple women's empowerment projects. Check out my blog if you have time:
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