Quelle reve!
Picture this.
Hiking through the coves of the meditteranean sea. ice cold crystal clear water from the ocean. 12 really really good people to hang out with. clear skies. a nice sent off brought in from the minstrel breeze. the first time wearing sandles in months. ohhh and then a 4 dollar pizza from an arab lady with cheese and olvies. whole entire olives. and a weird indy couple with neck piercings and a shaved head mullet mother with pink fringe. and they were carring the cutiest little gerber baber ever. and then this old lady on cruthched offers her seat to them on the metro. What? and then I turn my back for two seconds to though away my pizza box like a good citizen that doesn't actually exist in marseille and when i turn around i see some dumb kids trying to pick pocket my companion. and then i walk away laughing hysterically at the stupidity that is a 13 year old french kid. what a great day.
oh yeah, missioanry work. it's good to. I've decided a few things in the past week. Working is always beter than not working. Living with 4 sisters is not my favorite experience. Christmas lights are a good replacement for burt out bathroom lights. Doing the dishes is an absolute neccessity when you only have 4 bowls. Satan works really hard on you when things are really good. I really really love my mother. High fives are kind of akward. Soeur Kim is one of the coolest people I've ever met. And I really really love france.
we've had a good week. President interviews. Lots of contacting. Five new amis. Good lessons on fear. Amis actually asking to be taught by us instead of other missionaries. That makes me feel good. and lots and lots of time with the lord.
I'm excited for yury and heathers wedding this weekend. i'm there in spirit guys. i'm actually using your story in my member missionary work lessons. i'm excited for the 3 baptisms coming up this weekend. and well i'm really excited to find out what's going to happen to me this next transfer. 6 months and counting.
love shai
At 2:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice website, Sound like things are good in the south of France. Sorry for not keeping in contact and i hope you still remember who i am.
-Elder Erickson from the MTC
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