We should all go join the circus...yeah....
-Do you speak asian? - our ward mission leader to my companion durning a meeting
- After marriage there are no more green beans. - a little asian in our ward about the weight gain that comes after marriage
- My dumb tummy. - my roommate about her stomac's reaction to her companion's cooking
- Just becuase you are a soeur, that doesn't mean you can convert me. - a man on the street in reference to his previous encounters with the boy missionaries
- I've got to paint your eyes one day. -a painter out side of a bar close to the church that we stopped and asked for directions.
Just some fun fun quotes from the last few weeks of my life.
Here is a fun math equation for you. What does :
the bulminator + the quite giant + the dancing asian+ skousie the secret weapon + kirks+ chouter + bishe + Hymer time + a german kid +capris pants + mr punch the ball + all american+ un ballon and une fillet =???
are you raving for the answer...well it's 6 sets of missionaries playing morning volleyball on preperation day. It was good stuff. And just about the funnest gathering of missionaries since the giant sand hill. What's so great is that i laughed so hard I could hardly play. And my team won! and then I ate a kabob. yummy!
This was a good week. I'm now a year older. 24. wow. what a golden age. I'm pretty sure that I passed the day working. Contacting. And then passing out from exhaustion. But we bought a mexican fajita kit and ate it for dinner. Yummmyyyy taco sauce that is actually just a packet of curry....ummm. We also celebrated with cupcakes that came in a nicely wrapped package from my dear fam. We we lucky enough to have district meeting and so we all blew out candles. it was a good day.
Bishop here told me that when his wife was 24 she already had two kids. I'm not exactly sure how to react to that news. I mean wow what are you supposed to say? Thanks? Cool? Congrats? I akwardly laughed and congratulated myself for being 24 and having a college degree and a closet full of sensible shoes and ugly dresses. Honestly who won the success contest? I'm pretty sure it was me. I mean these dresses are REALLY ugly.
In other news...i'm getting bouging vibes. Franglais translation= it's very possible it's me getting transfered. The thing is I don't really know the members, the city, the amis of the other soeurs. I'm just not sure if the Lord trust's soeur kim and me to take over this ville with such little knowledge.
but is possible. is good. (must be read with a really thick mexican accent) come on do it. Soeur Kim talks like that often. Is funny. is ok.
But crazier things have happened. And it would just be soooo fun to stick around with soeur kim. We have two weeks left and president interviews tommorrow. That's why i'm writing this today. P-day was bouged to monday.
Here's a good story. So we have started exchanges with the other sisters so that we can try sort of cram right before transfers. So that we can try to learn as much as possible. And so I took Soeur Skousen out and we went to do some finding. I got cussed out. I mean really yelled at by this little old lady. and then a stupid kid screamed in my face. and I had just about had it. It was not going my day. I don't think that sentence actually makes sense. And then we meet this girl and set up a RV for the next day and then soeur kim and I go teach her and it was great. We decide to walk home from our RV and we see all the elders on the way home. Turns out we were actually in their area. We had no idea. Ok so the story really isn't that good. but well...ok. They all told us that we were their favorite soeurs. That's something right?
ok well whatever. i'm not actually funny. But it was a good week. I'm 24. I schooled everyone with my volley ball skills. And well, I'm still sporting the shoes. They are holding up nicely.
love you,
- After marriage there are no more green beans. - a little asian in our ward about the weight gain that comes after marriage
- My dumb tummy. - my roommate about her stomac's reaction to her companion's cooking
- Just becuase you are a soeur, that doesn't mean you can convert me. - a man on the street in reference to his previous encounters with the boy missionaries
- I've got to paint your eyes one day. -a painter out side of a bar close to the church that we stopped and asked for directions.
Just some fun fun quotes from the last few weeks of my life.
Here is a fun math equation for you. What does :
the bulminator + the quite giant + the dancing asian+ skousie the secret weapon + kirks+ chouter + bishe + Hymer time + a german kid +capris pants + mr punch the ball + all american+ un ballon and une fillet =???
are you raving for the answer...well it's 6 sets of missionaries playing morning volleyball on preperation day. It was good stuff. And just about the funnest gathering of missionaries since the giant sand hill. What's so great is that i laughed so hard I could hardly play. And my team won! and then I ate a kabob. yummy!
This was a good week. I'm now a year older. 24. wow. what a golden age. I'm pretty sure that I passed the day working. Contacting. And then passing out from exhaustion. But we bought a mexican fajita kit and ate it for dinner. Yummmyyyy taco sauce that is actually just a packet of curry....ummm. We also celebrated with cupcakes that came in a nicely wrapped package from my dear fam. We we lucky enough to have district meeting and so we all blew out candles. it was a good day.
Bishop here told me that when his wife was 24 she already had two kids. I'm not exactly sure how to react to that news. I mean wow what are you supposed to say? Thanks? Cool? Congrats? I akwardly laughed and congratulated myself for being 24 and having a college degree and a closet full of sensible shoes and ugly dresses. Honestly who won the success contest? I'm pretty sure it was me. I mean these dresses are REALLY ugly.
In other news...i'm getting bouging vibes. Franglais translation= it's very possible it's me getting transfered. The thing is I don't really know the members, the city, the amis of the other soeurs. I'm just not sure if the Lord trust's soeur kim and me to take over this ville with such little knowledge.
but is possible. is good. (must be read with a really thick mexican accent) come on do it. Soeur Kim talks like that often. Is funny. is ok.
But crazier things have happened. And it would just be soooo fun to stick around with soeur kim. We have two weeks left and president interviews tommorrow. That's why i'm writing this today. P-day was bouged to monday.
Here's a good story. So we have started exchanges with the other sisters so that we can try sort of cram right before transfers. So that we can try to learn as much as possible. And so I took Soeur Skousen out and we went to do some finding. I got cussed out. I mean really yelled at by this little old lady. and then a stupid kid screamed in my face. and I had just about had it. It was not going my day. I don't think that sentence actually makes sense. And then we meet this girl and set up a RV for the next day and then soeur kim and I go teach her and it was great. We decide to walk home from our RV and we see all the elders on the way home. Turns out we were actually in their area. We had no idea. Ok so the story really isn't that good. but well...ok. They all told us that we were their favorite soeurs. That's something right?
ok well whatever. i'm not actually funny. But it was a good week. I'm 24. I schooled everyone with my volley ball skills. And well, I'm still sporting the shoes. They are holding up nicely.
love you,
At 12:00 AM,
Jean Warner said…
Happy birthday. We miss you. There was a NEW Leadership reunion last night that featured the videotape of you as a football coach.
Speaking of Oklahoma women, go see how your efforts have born fruit at
and then check out the related blog at
Lots of love,
Jean in Oklahoma
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