psalms sooth the hurting heart
I heard it said once to read a psalm a day on your mission. I don't really remember the reason why and I've never really followed the advice but well I'm sure it is a really good idea.
So today I'm going to indulge you with this principle of scriptural fluff that miraculously warms the heart when the battle scense of the old testemant just aren't cutting it.
Psalms 138:3
'And in the day when I cried thou answeredst me and strengthenedst me with strenght in my soul.'
If the 'st' at the end of the word throws you well...
This has been a week for the not so consistenly kept journal.
Tender Mercies for Bitter tears. Sounds kind of like a cheap paperback from barnes and noble. Uhmmmm...barnes and i miss you...uh. sorry.
To start the week with 4 people scheduled for baptism and end the week with none makes a very sad missionary. Somehow opposition has taken a temporary victory over 4 very wonderful people. And, I'mnot gonna lie it was one of the most painful sadnessess I have ever felt in my life. Thank goodness for the beautiful words of living apostles that filled the broke pieces of my heart.
ok that was really cheap novel-y.
But seriously it was like I heard the news Satuday right before going into General Conference. If it wasn't for that quite room with inspiried speakers I could have guarenteed a melt down. But I was thrown a life preserver from the Spirit and kept afloat until Sunday morning. Only to be pulled from the tumoltous waves of self pity into the fortified harbor of the Savior.
And in the day when I cried Thou answeredst me and strengthenedst me with strenght in my soul.
It was a hard week spiritually but it's a new day. A new week. Hope is not lost. This is not my work it's the Lords. I have to trust that He will strenghten and protect my four friends as he has strenthened and protected me.
Read some Psalms.
And i must conscioulsy aknowlege that all sense of spelling has officially ended. Please don't think I am an idiot. I am actually bilingual so i'm not THAT stupid. It has just taken a toll on my spelling ability. Try not to judge...
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