well...it's valentines day...
So. It's valentines day. And guess what. That's retarded. Who made up this stupid holiday? But the good news is...it's a p-day and I get to rant my normaly-anti-somehow-strangely-sentimental feelings to you today.
The good news. Brace yourself it's really good. (and there is no bad news to follow)
-I got a freekin sweet package from a postman that smelled like wicked nicotine but smiled like he loved his job. He got to see two sister missionaries in Jeans who smelled like bathroom cleaner shreek in delight in the stairwell. It was a great morning. The jessie clark cd is so soo good.
-My glorious companion snuck around during my shower time and made me a little valentines card. She's the coolest girl.
-Our ami gave us a chocolate brownie cake thing that was supposedly for 6-8 people. Translation= two sister missionaries' breakfast.
-An Americana valentines package from Oriana equipped with twix and bubbles and pictures of silly things. I loved it.
-Johnson's package of random goodness. She sent my a sleve of a striped collored shirt and the dress shirt for barney. She's a nice girl that Johnson.
-Hyll Bills perfectly timed letter.
-Souer Wilcox's mom sent a package with little teddie bears in it with a little heart box full of dove chocolate. uhhh yum. And you know what dove's all about. On the inside of every morsel of wrapped up unholesome goodness there is a sweet little make you want to gag expression of useless nonsense.which uncharacteristly I happen to love. I do belive that would be the coolest job in the world. Hello, My name is shai. I write the fragment sentences that go on the inside of dove chocolate candy. I love my life. Just an example of the completly useless expressions of dove love "sleep under the stars tonight..." or "think of your first crush..." uhh ok. Thanks dove. However there was one little chocolate that suited my fancy.
And will be the theme of my discours today...
"Discover how much your heart can hold. "
How much can one heart really hold? Just what is the limit? What is the capacity? I thought I had reached the ultimate expansion of my pulmonary pumper and then the Lord sent my soeur wilcox.
Can I spend a brief moment in relentless praise for this wonderful girl? Can I begin to explain how hard we work? Well I will mention the lack of lunch breaks and dinner breaks for the past 2 1/2 weeks. Refusing to go in before 9 pm with out reaching our goals. The most spiritual companionship studies of my entire mission. The miracles the Lord is pouring out becuase of our strict focus on obedience. The laughing out and so hard until we fall asleep from exhastion. The excitement that comes from being able to work next to her. She is just a dang good missionary. And it makes me want to be a dang good missionary.
OK not that she has become some sort of golden calf for me but i really really love the kid. We just get along. Work hard. and becuase of it are seeing results. If you can call it results. You can't really measure missionary work by the bottom line but it's starting to feel good. Starting to be enjoyable, even fun, and that is results to me.
People are coming unto christ becuase we are teaching them who he is. And that is a beautiful gift, Experience, Blessing. Wow.
Discover how much your heart can hold.
Jeremiah says "Vous me chercherez, et vous me trouverez, si vous me cherchez de tout voutre coeur." Roughly translated ...you will seek me and you will find me if you search with all your heart. (Jer 29:13)
The Lord is there waiting to rain down His goodness if we turn to him and seek for him and follow him.
It's been a good week. Always hard. Always an uphill battle. But hiking is fun if your singing as you go. And uphill gives you the best calf muscles.
Thanks dove.
I love you all.
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