i feel like a bird...
...said the rowandan man after he entered the room. he reflectivly closed his eyes and revealed his contemplation of what had happend just minutes before. dressed in white. dark black skin. years of pain and genocide slipped from his memory as the water envolped him in cleansing purifying power. a simple action erased so many lonly nights, cigarated drags and empty bottles.
i feel like a bird. and he flapped his hands for effect.
serge's baptism was so perfect. perfectly late, last minute and practly empty except for the 10 missionaries and a beautiful ethopian family that appeared out of nowhere. and my talk on the holy ghost lead me to thoughts of communication of the lord. what his communication style is. what kid of theories would professor buchanan spout off in regards to the communication style of god. and well its a small voice and a simple voice but it leads to all. and it lead serge to baptism. and me to uco and then to a mission and now onto the next stage in utah. i think.
sometimes we just feel so good. like we just want to look at the person next to us and smile. and even give a friendly kiss on the cheek to the lady serving me my burger. i did. her name is marie. she doesn't belive in god but is very happy with the same man after 30 years of cohabitation. and it was a good burger. i'm not sure about the man sitting accross from me in the cyber cafe that just yelled at me and told me i was in a sect. and he didn't like that i laughed in his face and asked him if he felt better now that that was off his chest. what a cool guy.
serge is right. sometimes, i feel light. like a bird...
said the missionary to no one in particualr.
At 8:46 AM,
Yep said…
Hi Shai,
I'm not sure if you're able to read your comments. Then again why not? This is Dan Hubler. Just dropping a line to say hello. As many letters as you sent me I figure you're entitled. It sounds like you are truly enjoying the mission. Keep up the great work.
Life is grand her in Utah. Rachel and I have no kids yet, but we do have two dogs. God Bless!
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