Mutations, fetes des virge, and camombert
Bonjor all!
Ok first of all let me explain some things. As I am selfishly assuming that people are reading my blog, I thought I would clue you in on how this big bad mission thing works.
Our life runs on a six week period called transfers. You never know really how it's going to go. The Lord is in charge and speaks through the mission President. Every six weeks you get a call on wheter you stay in your city with your same companion or whether you have 1 day to pack all of your belongings in 2 suitcases to hop a train to another city. It's crazy but it really keeps you on your toes.
There is a valuable lesson to be learned from this. This way you never know how long you will have the people in your life so you must make the most of every minute. Profound huh?
And another pot of God is that in france we call transfers a MUTATION. Yes, just like the teenage mutant niga turtles. We mutate from one city to the next. That's so great huh? So for this mutation I am staying a mutant in Antibes. And sister titz is staying with me. it's so weird mutation...who comes up with this stuff...?
I learned some things this week. 15 of August is not the fete des virge, or party of the virgins. It's the fete de la virge, party of THE virgian. Totally different. French are very particular about their fetes and their virgians so it seems. What a great holiday.
And never mess with a French man's cheese! Really. It's sacred. Just like the fete de LA virge. You just don't mess around! Word to the wise.
And now on to the miracle des jours straight from the pages of my journal. For real i'm sitting in a cyber cafe with my journal wide open... risky...:
Aug9: Horray for Mc Donalds aka (in French) MacDoe. Seriously Hoorray! Singing Nearer my God to Thee by candle light to an old women and all her neighbors in an old french house, in an old french neighborhood. It was seriously so great. Seriously.
Aug10: Listening to Portugess gospel music and having it translated into French by our investigator preparing for baptism. I sort of understood too. Portugesse gospel sounds a lot like salsa much...and man I love to salsa...I just had to dance. Maybe it's not so "quietly dignified" but what can you do...They have creme brulee ice cream in France. How great is that...?
Aug 11: Learning to knit by a lady that is deaf and can't speak. Pretty cool how we find ways to communicate. Becoming best friends with her 10 year old daugther and playing with her hair. Watching an entire silent conversation between a deaf couple and their friends. It was beautiful. Really really beautiful.
Aug 12: A letter from Elder Ferguson that changed my entire life. It made a really really crapy day bearable. It is toatally true that the lord's tender mercies do not happen by coincidence or chance. The letter came on the perfect day at the most needed time. God knows us. And the BBQ at the Beltrudies. (that is going to be the title of my next music album, or maybe a band, i don't know. It just sounds cool) Frere Beltrudi asked what food i haven't like in France and I thought he asked what food i do like. So my response was everything, especially the cheese. You should have seen the look of horror on his face! Horray for French!!! I'm an idiot!!!
Aug 13: I ate octopus head today. Wow. It taste a little bit like chewing a rubber band. 2 hours of service and and an amazing French meal later minus the octopus head, and we are best friends with mr. pierre dova. He's so great! I hope that we stay friends forever. A tour of Juan Les Pin at night from a car window. Such a fun, not a great place for a missionary, city. If you are looking for hot hot french guys, go to juan le pin at night. We started a program called goutte d'esprite= translation drops of the Spirit. We show up at a friends house, sing on their doorstep, share a scripture, pray together, and the leave. We just give a little drop of the spirit. It's sooo cool. Oh and Amika means friend in Italian. I'm going to name something that. Maybe a dog or my guitar or something.
Aug 14: I made a huge harris breakfast for my companion. I'm so great ful for family traditions! Yummy hashbrowns! Feeling the love of God through wonderful members of His church in a languages that I don't understand.
Aug 15: sunrise on the port at 6:45 AM. Day of 3 dinner appointments. It was tough. Believe me...i'm gonna get so fat...
ok y'all c'est tout. (that's all.) It's franglais. french and english combined = franglais.
have a great week. Love
Ok first of all let me explain some things. As I am selfishly assuming that people are reading my blog, I thought I would clue you in on how this big bad mission thing works.
Our life runs on a six week period called transfers. You never know really how it's going to go. The Lord is in charge and speaks through the mission President. Every six weeks you get a call on wheter you stay in your city with your same companion or whether you have 1 day to pack all of your belongings in 2 suitcases to hop a train to another city. It's crazy but it really keeps you on your toes.
There is a valuable lesson to be learned from this. This way you never know how long you will have the people in your life so you must make the most of every minute. Profound huh?
And another pot of God is that in france we call transfers a MUTATION. Yes, just like the teenage mutant niga turtles. We mutate from one city to the next. That's so great huh? So for this mutation I am staying a mutant in Antibes. And sister titz is staying with me. it's so weird mutation...who comes up with this stuff...?
I learned some things this week. 15 of August is not the fete des virge, or party of the virgins. It's the fete de la virge, party of THE virgian. Totally different. French are very particular about their fetes and their virgians so it seems. What a great holiday.
And never mess with a French man's cheese! Really. It's sacred. Just like the fete de LA virge. You just don't mess around! Word to the wise.
And now on to the miracle des jours straight from the pages of my journal. For real i'm sitting in a cyber cafe with my journal wide open... risky...:
Aug9: Horray for Mc Donalds aka (in French) MacDoe. Seriously Hoorray! Singing Nearer my God to Thee by candle light to an old women and all her neighbors in an old french house, in an old french neighborhood. It was seriously so great. Seriously.
Aug10: Listening to Portugess gospel music and having it translated into French by our investigator preparing for baptism. I sort of understood too. Portugesse gospel sounds a lot like salsa much...and man I love to salsa...I just had to dance. Maybe it's not so "quietly dignified" but what can you do...They have creme brulee ice cream in France. How great is that...?
Aug 11: Learning to knit by a lady that is deaf and can't speak. Pretty cool how we find ways to communicate. Becoming best friends with her 10 year old daugther and playing with her hair. Watching an entire silent conversation between a deaf couple and their friends. It was beautiful. Really really beautiful.
Aug 12: A letter from Elder Ferguson that changed my entire life. It made a really really crapy day bearable. It is toatally true that the lord's tender mercies do not happen by coincidence or chance. The letter came on the perfect day at the most needed time. God knows us. And the BBQ at the Beltrudies. (that is going to be the title of my next music album, or maybe a band, i don't know. It just sounds cool) Frere Beltrudi asked what food i haven't like in France and I thought he asked what food i do like. So my response was everything, especially the cheese. You should have seen the look of horror on his face! Horray for French!!! I'm an idiot!!!
Aug 13: I ate octopus head today. Wow. It taste a little bit like chewing a rubber band. 2 hours of service and and an amazing French meal later minus the octopus head, and we are best friends with mr. pierre dova. He's so great! I hope that we stay friends forever. A tour of Juan Les Pin at night from a car window. Such a fun, not a great place for a missionary, city. If you are looking for hot hot french guys, go to juan le pin at night. We started a program called goutte d'esprite= translation drops of the Spirit. We show up at a friends house, sing on their doorstep, share a scripture, pray together, and the leave. We just give a little drop of the spirit. It's sooo cool. Oh and Amika means friend in Italian. I'm going to name something that. Maybe a dog or my guitar or something.
Aug 14: I made a huge harris breakfast for my companion. I'm so great ful for family traditions! Yummy hashbrowns! Feeling the love of God through wonderful members of His church in a languages that I don't understand.
Aug 15: sunrise on the port at 6:45 AM. Day of 3 dinner appointments. It was tough. Believe me...i'm gonna get so fat...
ok y'all c'est tout. (that's all.) It's franglais. french and english combined = franglais.
have a great week. Love