hi shai!

A blog about me! (in a non-egocentric sort of way)

Tuesday, January 31

time is the devil

Ok so time i have decided is the devil. especially to a missionary.

i have 1.5 minutes to tell you that my compainion was going to Nice with a blue, then Nice with a frenchiem now byon with a frenchie.

one day in missionary time = a year in normal time.

it's crazy. i'm scared. but my new companion is dun dun dun...the fun loving soeur wilcox. my mtc comp. you guessed it folks. i am the lucky winner.

she's the boss too so i get my old friend and i'm still sluffing responsability. it's so great!!!

but i'm still scared and worried and excited.

oh crap...i think i might have to pay extra for these 2 minutes that i'm over.

love you with all my heart and i will try with all my soul to return to land of funny blogs. or even halfway descent blogs.

happy birthday keaton. congrats paige on the play.

