hi shai!

A blog about me! (in a non-egocentric sort of way)

Tuesday, February 7

deux est mieux qu'un

bounjour mes proche

comment ca va?

So serious apologies for my blog slacking in the recent weeks. And although I know your life and ability to sleep peacefully does not revolve around the comings and goings of a silly girl in france but somehow I find comfort in knowing you half heartedly take an interest in my weekly rantings. So the apology is more to me and my posterity that will be relentlessly forced to read my old blog entries and hear mission stories over dinner.

moving on...

2 is better than one. I have decided. THere is a reason that all good things are done in two. Clean it up friends. I mean missionary work. I read a scripture a while back whose exact location has some how escaped my conscious recollection abilities. Trust me that it is buried somewhere in the wonderful pages of the old testemant. It talks about the principle of two. We all know about Noah. It's not that. Its a little parabolic psalmic thing that states to the effect that:

two is better than one. Two can pick each other up when the other is fallen. Two can keep each other warm. Two can support and fight and defend each other. And two can contact people on the street in sensible shoes and ugly skirts and name tags and not feel quite so idiotic.

I have found the secret to doing missionary work for me (ie talking to people you don't know about something that you treasure) is to do it with your companion. and now that I have been blessed with the most glorious companion in all of the south of france the work rolls forth and the miracles are exploding all around me.

I tried to explain zion to a sweet little old lady yesterday. Zion is not a place. You can not buy a one way tickety on the ss 757 to zion. It is something that is constructed, built, formed little by little and piece by piece. It is a mindset. A desire. A hope to be of one heart, one direction, with those you work with and serve with. Mostly with those you love. Zion is a marriage. A companionship. A ward. A mission. A family. She understood the idea.

We are working for a companionship of zion. In french compaionship is ekeep. It's the same word used for a soccer team or a leadership group. It literally means team. And when your ideas matter and your place matters and you matter, it makes missionary work tuns more fun.

I love Soeur Wilcox.

MDJs officially recommence now... except i'm only doing the last week.

31 Jan. Tuesday: Just crying trying to put on my makeup to Hilary weeks song. "When you've taken your last step and done all that you can do, He will lift your heavy load and cary you" Pizza picnic with fanny. Sr. Clement didn't cry when she left me. I don't think she liked me. I wouldn't like me either.

1 Feb. Wed: Creme brule with the albanian family. Man it reminded me of better days. I was so nastalgic and happy with them. They are the most beautiful dirt poor family that made us pasta. and we said cheers over orange juice. Getting lost in this ville for the first time and loving it.

2Feb Thurs: 2 huge helpings of chocolate mosse. Yummy. Dejon was moved by the spirit to read the book of mormon. That's jsut good stuff. No time to breath, eat, sleep, or think but it's so fun to go to bed exhausted.

3 Feb Friday: Audrey is so cool. she's from Madinina: island of flowers. Cool huh? So our ami cancled and we found ourself down town with an hour to kill and so we called amember in the area to see if we could stop by. Turns out she had invited over 3 friends to meet the missionarries but she just hadn't told us. We ended up eating mushrooms and cheese and teaching a great lesson about the church. Amandine- one worthy of love

4 Feb Saturday: my half way point. weird weird feeling. But a great great day. We were promenading around the city and turning left of right whenever we felt inclined. We walk by a window with a picture of joseph smith. we stop. we go back. we knock on the door. a less slash not active member of 5 years. We had a nice chat and a good prayer and thanked the lord for miracles. Monica called after 3 weeks of no communication and decided to get baptised. It was a great day. We ate kababs to celebrate.

5 Feb: Sophie and the tarteflet thing and looking out her window and seeing the steeple of an old catolic church. Nice. Victoire covers her head to pray and finding faith in christ makes me cry every time. I love sundays

6 Feb Monday: District meeting was fun. Lauging is good. Bible bashing a catholic priest who told my companion she was mistaken. It was fun and he was a nice nice man. I smiled and a man called me charming. Eeeewww. Scary. NO more smiling. Singing a duet with my compaion for Sr Gronger and just loving the way our voices sounded together. I love the way our work goes together.

I am so greatful for the love of my rockstar comp, my "hump day" (I did burn nylons by the way they stink while burning) the 9 months leftm and all of you.

Return of the blogs is on.

love (nasvidenje)


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