hi shai!

A blog about me! (in a non-egocentric sort of way)

Tuesday, August 23


la, le, les, de, du, des, au, aux, un, une - really! how many articles does one language need!

This was officially the first we of transfer two. Can you belive August is almost over? That means only 14 more months left of living large in France! Crazy! Ok honestly that still sounds like forever but hey, if you don't really look at the calender 15 times a day, it moves much more quickly.

This week was busy. We are trying to readjust our productivity level. We are trying to actually be productive. We have set some goals, made some promises and hope that the Lord really recognizes our efforts. I know there is someone out there that needs me. I know the Lord didn't want me in France just so I could experience the 5 isles of cheese in the supermarket.

Let me tell you some cool stuff that happened this week. Straigt from the sacred pages of the small plates of shai:

Aug 16, Tuesday: Did I already make it known that Dr. Pepper better be in heaven or I'm not going? I finally drank the Dr. Pepper that I have been sinfully stashing away in the back of the fridge. And I'm pretty sure that it was heavenly bliss. Now if only I could find a mountain dew...

Aug 17, Wednesday: I taught my German companion some great slang today. "just kicking it." Honestly, trying to explain american slang is like trying to seperate a french man from his white linen capris. Not happen. But she's a good student and constantly uses my teaching in hilarious, inopportune times. My defination for "kickin' it" was: It's not so much an act of doing, it's more of a state of being. It's really a life style. Any comments?
I asked an old lady if I could carry her bags for her, and she understood what I said! Then she asked me if what part of France I came from!!!! Progress...? I think so!

Aug18, Thursday: Faith + Action = Miracles. We learned this formula at district meeting today. We have a new district leader that really has a fire. His formula for success 1) The desire to make something happen 2) The guinea Pig syndrome- the willingness to do whatever, whenever, that the Lord asks of you. 3) DO IT - actually having the courage to follow through 4) Have faith that your action will take you where you need to be with the help of the Lord.

Oh we went to this park because we saw someone we knew. And there were these little kids playing soccer. I couldn't help it....so I jumped in. Dress shoes, pink skirt, name tag and all. It was so awesome.

Today I made this elderly lady laugh so hard. Nothing feels quite as good as making an old lady laugh. Man it was good.

Aug 19, Friday: An itallian dinner out on the viranda of an itallian french speaking woman. The best spegetti I've ever eaten in my life. Sorry mom.

Aug 20, Saturday: Finding a whole slew of honeysuckles and teaching my German companion how to enjoy the blessing that is honeysuckles. Eating so much of it that it made us sick. Praying with our whole heart to be bizarre. I'm so weird!

Aug 21, Sunday: Having a member tell the Bishop right in front of me that I was special and a really great missionnary. I don't think this member saw me playing soccer...:) Eating fresh french grapes right off the vine....yummmy...and stupid boys that throw pens out the window of a two story building. I laughed so hard!

Aug 22, Monday: The most beautiful french family i've ever seen. 8 kids! Taking the wrong train and ending up in Nice only to find our return train was an hour delayed. Being 2 hours late to our dinner appointment but finding a German family that was lost and telling them about a loving Father in Heaven and a brother called Jesus Christ. There was a reason we got on the wrong train.

Telling the Manas family about my idiotic and chaotic realationship with God and how it eventually all worked out to lead me on a mission. God is so good!

Have a great week! Have any ideas of great American slang i can teach my German companion?

Love Shai


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