Last Day as You
It is now 12:24 AM. The journey begins at 6:00AM. 5 hours to blast off!
I can't believe it is finally here. The mission. France. Skirts, sensible
shoes, the whole bit. It is here. I am one of them.
I am no longer part of the world. I am an island floating about in a sea of
the masses. My government is presided over by non other than Jesus Christ.
My constitution is formed around the golden rule. I proudly wave my little
black badge declaring my nationality as Missionary for The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints.
There are no computers on this island of mine. No cell phones. TVs. CDs or
MP3s. Missionary island is free from dating drama, financial pressures,
rediculous crap that pollutes the natural springs. There is no social
status, economic lable, racial stereotype blocking the Sun.
Just me. And my sensible shoes.
Seriously for the next two months (? 6-8 weeks) I will be without
technology. I'll be 24 hours a day immersed in training both language and
doctrinal. My address there is:
Sister Shai Rasmussen
France Toulouse Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N. 900 E
Provo, UT 84604
Letters are welcome! (translation = please send me contact with the outside
I am ready. A bit scared. Totally anxious. But ready.
Thanks for all of your support.
Sister Shai
At 12:11 PM,
Jean Warner said…
Hi, Shai.
I am thinking about you and your wonderful adventure a lot these days.
I know that you won't read this for a while so just know that you were in my thoughts and prayers as your birthday approached.
I hope everything is going well.
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