hi shai!

A blog about me! (in a non-egocentric sort of way)

Tuesday, July 26

miracle de jour

Hey friends!

Wow there is no time to write really! I only have an hour a week to communicate with all of you! But that means that every other hour in the week I am focused on the reason I'm here.

This week was great. So many things going on! My French is still pretty crappy but getting better everyday. I have had some pretty great experiences with my bad french. For example old men that I think are being really friendly but are actually being really disgusting. Or a man showing me a picture and telling me about his dog. And I say oh how cute. what a great thing. and he is actually telling me that his neighbor poisend his dog and it was terrible. I'm an idiot!

But life is good. Everyday there has been a miracle. I have started a MDJ journal or miracle de jour or miracle of the day. And it's amazing how many there are to write. Here is this weeks:

7-19 : I taught entire english class to native french speakers and it was successful. I understood almost everythign.
7-20: I got the best letter ever from my best friend. I'm so great ful for great friends. It is so great how God puts people into our lives for our blessings. I'm soo blessed. Thanks Billy, Elder Evans and Fergie. Also the generosity of a woman with nothing make us a huge dinner! God bless Rosalina.
7-21: the power of scripture. I felt like God was reaching through the scriptures and hugging me.

Oh out of time! Love you! More next week!


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